
& Wall Vases

Heart of Ruth
This was my first wall sculpture. 
Heart of Ruth was inspired by the biblical story of Ruth, found in the old testament of the Bible. 

Ruth was a poor woman of no status by the worlds standards.  She found great favor with God for her steadfast heart of love and loyalty, amidst immense tradgity and loss, to Gods people whom He had placed in her life.

Her life and heart showed the foreign community she had moved to with her dead husbands mother Naomi, the wealth of  inner beauty, strength & integrity she possessed.  Over time she captured the heart of her “Kinsman Redeemer;”  a wealthy land owner, & became his beloved bride. 

She is honored in the bible as a direct ascendant of Jesus, my Savior.

Heart of Ruth is a stoneware sculpture made from Oregon Brown clay. She was high fired to a cone 6 and only her hair and facial features glazed with a molten bronze glaze. All skin and background colors are the natural clay body showing through.​

 All my masks are individually sculpted to represent the beauty God puts in the heart of every woman. 
Each face comes from my imagination and the expressions on each one represent my mood at the time of its creation. Each mask is named, signed and dated on the back.

Earthen Vessels Pottery Copyright 2006  
Botanical Pottery & Sculpture created to reflect Gods glory as seen in nature
Earthen Vessels Pottery
Fall Color   
Woodland Majesty
Summer Path  
Earthen Vessels Pottery,  Copywright  2006  
Past Beauties
Woodland Flurry
Woodland Glow
Moonlit Path
Autumn Color
Woodland Lily